hi close friends welcome to sista basta desire.
to examine Business after course 10 let us make use of the quarantine time by examining the.
concepts of accounts of class leaven let'' s start phase 1 introduction to accountancy.
what is accounting allow us take an instance darlings papa gave her rupees thousand to.
purchase fruits and also vegetables from market darling went to the market by bus she reached.
the marketplace and also acquired veggies and also fruits costing 450 now she really felt starving she went to.
a pizza store and consumed a Pisa which created her rupees 190 she came back house by bus her father.
as her where did you invest the cash offer an account sweety thought I spend in vegetables.
and also pizza as well as recompense so complete around that price 7 hundred 3 hundred should remain in.
my wallet she mosted likely to the area and located the purse when she examined yes there was 3.
hundred rupees what is accounting so from this we can wrap up that bookkeeping is a procedure of.
identifying methodically taping measuring as well as interacting details concerning monetary.
deals what identifying what occasions of economic nature which can be determined in terms.
of money taping in journal after that categorizing in ledger and after that the last summarizing it.
in by preparing profit as well as loss account and balance sheet wish you have actually comprehended the.
idea of audit we will review fundamental accounting terms and next we t please like.
comment and subscribe the network thank you.